Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Gear Chronicle - Clan Analysis

Gear Chronicle (GC) is a clan from Dark Zone Nation, they're our newest addition from ever growing clan list. Units in GC mainly themed around machinery dragons, people, and animals with gears all around their body

As for VG-G-TD01 and VG-G-BT01 releases, the clan gimmicks revolved around their ability to manipulate time; both for themselves or their opponents. The skill consist of putting your opponent Rearguard(s) to bottom deck, Guard restricting, and ridiculously enough; give you additional turn.

Bushiroad give Gear Chronicle a very limited choices of starters.
One of them was Gunnergear Dracokid. His skill is the usual CB1 and putting him to soul for letting you search a G3 at GB1 territory. This means Gunnergear isn't your typical G3 searcher since he doesn't help with your ride consistency. He was made for the purpose of giving you another stride fodder.

Thrilled Worker is our foiled Stand Trigger from G-TD01 and have another particularly unique skill.
After the end of battle this unit boost, you can flip down a face up G-Unit at your G-Zone.
This skill enable you to re-use a G-Unit you used before and gaining advantage from it.
Unfortunately, his skill doesn't mitigate the loss you had from losing a 10k shields. With Thrilled Worker crappy 4k base power, the only way to properly boost him to scale the field is with 12k beaters.

Hermione protecting Hogwats that being attacked by a random dragon
Steam Maiden, Alulim is a new kind of Sentinel, she and her clone had similar effects like what a regular Perfect Guard would do. But, she had another interesting skill that let her flip up an already used Counter Blast for more usage when she is used to guard and there's a copy of herself in Drop Zone.
Assuming you run her at 4 copies, you'll probably run into her every 4-6 cards each game after turn 3.
Which means at least you will able to unflip at least once every game since running max of a card in a 50 card deck give you possible running into her twice in any given game.

Steam Breath Dragon is also new kind of unit only exist in Generation Stride Era.
His first skill is acting just like the old Blaupanzer. Searching for a designated unit when called at Rear Circle with a cost of discarding a card from your hand.
In  Steam Breath Dragon case, the unit we search was a unit with Chronojet in it's card name.
His second skill is another new and useful skill, Steam Breath Dragon is able to act as a stride fodder as he gain grade +2 when you about to pay the cost for a Stride.
This make you run 12 Stride Fodder, and he also act as your second copy of Chronojet units.

Cloud meet Van Hellsing it seems
 Steam Fighter, Amber is another distinctive card other clan also getting from Generation Stride era.
His skill is a cheap CB1 to tuck away 1 of your opponent G2 or lower rear guards back to the bottom deck.You only need to pay CB1 and make sure he's boosted and attacking a vanguard at GB1 territoy.
Amber and his clone will be getting certain design of only active at GB1 and need to be boosted when attacks a Vanguard and then utilizing the clan strongest point. Like retire at Kagero, OTT had draw, and Nova standing their rears.

Steam Knight, Puzur Ili had an interesting skill.
It's a costed Silent Tom with 9k power base, you only need to pay SB2 to put pressure on your opponent! Well, the usual Silent Tom still better due to active all day and all night. But Puzur Ili make the clan had another unique concept of Guard Limitation.

Dancing Wolf with gold and gears plated
Apex Standing Gearwolf is a unit that taking advantage from Amber's skill of tucking a unit, when you tuck a unit away, Gearwolf gain an extra +3k making him a 10k booster.
This is great, he make good use of the clan strong point of control.
While not seeing many use except as a VG booster, he had a good concept and able to gain small advantage from a gambit could help you decide a game.

Rollerblade Dragon featuring Captain Hook Dragon
Chronojet Dragon is our boss card from G-TD01. I like him, he's well designed and the best representation of how a boss unit should be.
Chronojet Dragon designed as a unit that put pressure all day long. He is a Breakstride unit that give more advantage when you perform Stride.
His Breakstride skill was a CB1 and tuck away an opponent unit. Perfect ratio of 1-for-1.
This make Gearwolf almost live every turn, making his Breakstride pretty nice.
He also had GB2 skill, GB2 skill usually designed with powering up your VG to make sure you're able to kill the opponent. Chronojet's GB2 skill was an extra stage and the opponent can't guard with G1 or more unit from hand. Since GB2 happened pretty late, this skill possibly kill your opponent since they already drained their hand for guarding G-Units and your rearguards.
Chronojet Dragon skill was designed with perfect balance of mid-game and late game skill that continuously push your opponent slowly.

Fatewheel Dragon acted as a backup vanguard, he had small similarity with Chronojet Dragon which he also tuck away a unit when he is ridden, and he also able to limiting the opponent guard.
His first skill was GB1 restricted with CB1 cost, all of that make the opponent can't guard his attack with G0 cards from hand. This mean either it was a PG or -3 each turn for your opponent.
The second skill was an on-ride CB1 and SB1 to tuck away 1 rearguards.
Pretty decent side-boss overall.

On-hit skills, the first one with stupid restriction.
And now we're getting to the G-Units. Gear Chronicle had the most of G-Units so far, and that choice could decide the game.
Let's deal with the lame one first. Interdimensional Dragon, Mystery-flare Dragon skill is amazing.
He give you 1 EXTRA TURN when his attack hits. But, it is not that simple of course.
The cost was a CB4, the cost kill any possibility of early use and making Amber, Gunner Gear Dracokid, and Chronojet skill useless since had no Counter Blast left to use.
The next requirements is you need to reveal top 4 of your deck, and it must be 4 units with different grades on it. Well, you need to be extremely lucky to achieve that.
(Remember, you need to reveal first, then pay the cost if the requirements is achieved)

Next is Interdimensional Dragon, Lost Age Dragon.
He is another on-hit G-Unit. Unlike Mystery-flare, but Lost Age actually works.
When his attack hit a Vanguard, you can choose 1 of opponent rearguards and put it to the bottom of the deck. Clean and free.

Vayu's long lost son meeting with Red Eyes Black Dragon
Interdimensional Dragon, Chronos Command Dragon is the G-BT01 GR unit.
He sported the best art at this clan so far, but he doesn't have the best skill yet.
He is another on-hit G-Unit, just like Lost Age he worked by removing rearguards back to the bottom of the deck. The difference lies in number and cost, Chronos Command need to pay CB2 and SB1 thus discarding a card from hand when this unit attack hits a vanguard to reset your opponent field back to 0. Whole field, gone.
The problem lies in his requirements of on-hit only. Using it too early doesn't worth the cost since your opponent won't develop his field too much knowing that you use Gear Chronicle, using it too late make him vanilla since he'll get PGed because no one want to lost his whole field at late game.
But, Chronos Command make a good tech unit at G-Zone since his immense pressure make your "Silent Toms" happier.

Interdimensional Dragon, Ragnaclock Dragon took the spotlight.
He's a G-Unit that need to flip up a copy of himself at G-Zone as a cost.
This kind of G-Unit usually had another clause that the skill only active when there's 2 or more face up G-Unit at the G-Zone. Making Ragnaclock copy usually designed as second Stride unit with game changing effect.
Ragnaclock itself is another Silent Tom. Imagine a Silent Tom with minimum 26k power with an extra crit and triple check. This is like a whole CEO Amaterasu deck compressed into 1 unit.
The bad side is, he's another PG bait. Second Stride unit mean you already at 3 - 4 damage where an extra crit is bad for your health. Fortunately, his skill only allows you to guard with G1 or more which generally means "PG or die"

Brass Feather Gearhawk is a new starter Gear Chronicle had.
When there's a unit tucked away, he gain +5k power making him instant 9k booster.
His crappy base 4k make me sad. If he was a 5k powered Forerunner, he clearly outperforming Gunnergear Dracokid. 
Guess we're stuck with Gunnergear Dracokid for a bit more time.

Throbbing Worker is Gear Chronicle's third set of critical, with an effect!
His skill is when your G3 or greater vanguard with Chronojet at it's name is attacking, you can put him to soul for a draw and give your Vanguard an extra stage.
He able to mitigate your loss of 10k shield by drawing another card and giving extra power, making his skill is a possible +1. He also fill the soul for more Puzur Ili or Chronos Command Dragon.
Skill aside, now we can run 12 critical with Gear Chronicle! Yay!

Gearcat with Simple Dream is Lizard Soldier, Beira clone for Gear Chronicle. He do exactly the same thing like what Beira did. He's a better Stand Trigger over Thrilled Worker since Gearcat skill give immediate result.

Is he fighting Narukami?
Glimmer Breath Dragon is a new Chronojet support, his skill is a CB1 SB1 for tucking a unit andgain +2k, It is restricted to on-call only and you need to have a G3 or greater unit with Chronojet at it's name. This making him hard to use since we had better spender of Soul and Counter Blast, his skill is live only once and need to have a Chronojet as our G3 making calling him early is useless.

Legitimate Cloud Schiffer, and AGP R-Gyagya
Steam Fighter, Mesuhede let you unflip 1 Counter Blast for 1 soul when an opponent unit was tucked away. While only once per turn, his skill make your Chronojet Dragon Breakstride skill is free.
With Gearhawk, you can only use him twice or once depending on your Stride selection.
What make Mesuhede special is he help converting Chronojet's CB1 to make a unit be a Silent Tom for a turn.

That unit was Steam Maiden, Ishin. She gain advantage from both Chrono Jet & Mesuhede combo. Her requirement to became Silent Tom was to pay CB1 when there's a unit being tucked away. Normally, it means CB2 to tuck and make a Silent Tom. With Mesuhede around, it became CB1 and this 2 unit replace Puzur Ili due to more usage chance.

Gearhound of Iron Fangs & Mistgazer Dragon is another copy of Kagero's support Dragon Monk, Gyokuryu & Dragon Knight, Danners. Gear Chronicle variant of this kind of unit isn't as good as their Kagero's counterpart. Theoretically, we could afford a build focusing on tucking unit away just like how Kagero was build to gain advantage from Danners & Gyokuryu. But, we had better selection for G1 and G2 spot that give more pressure.

G-BT02 give Gear Chronicle more Legion support, this time it's Nixie Number Dragon & Steam Knight, Zangu. Nixie's Legion skill is active when there's an opponent unit being sent to the bottom of the deck, then he gained half of Glory Maelstrom skill of no-PG attack. Zangu's skill is an on-hit tuck away for a CB1 if yout VG is in legion. Generally, both cards is useless. Not even in a full Legion build with Ruin Disposal Dragon due to lack of synergy with the G-Units.

2 heads isn't always better than 1 head
Divergence Dragon is a generic Breakstride unit. His Breakstride allow him to give the VG +5k power, while his GB1 skill give him an on-hit pressure of tucking away a unit.
Still outperformed by Fatewheel Dragon, his Breakstride skill is also generic power-gainer.

Interdimensional Dragon, Fate Rider Dragon give me mixed feeling.
He was designed to be game ender, but using rear-guards instead of VG pressure.
His skill is to swap 1 Rearguards with another unit in deck with 1 grade higher from it.
And then you count how many G-Unit is face up and give same amount of unit in the field as the number of face up G-Unit +3k.
Assuming you already had 5 face up G-Unit, you give 5 unit +3k.

1. Chrono Jet Dragon