Another Clan from the small-yet-full-of-clan United Sanctuary. The Oracle Think Tank is a corporation of individuals talented in magic that use their powers to predict the future.
Unlike other clans that focused on sheer power, OTT played their game elegantly.
They play with high level of techniques and bring you the power to foresaw and forge your own future, and also let you draw as much as you want. Or you just want to mix them altogether?
Trigger happy RPG shooter? |
OTT's new gimmick bring forth a complete 1-for-1 CB Ratio usage since you draw 1 for each CB you use, which mean you could easily draw 5 for CB5 in any given game. No, putting draw triggers doesn't worth it.
Nebula Lord Dragon's daughter from an affair. |
Nebula Witch, Nono came out as another drawing unit that let us draw for a mere SB1 after bossting a unit.
coupled with 12k beaters, they force out a 10k shield which means +1 in general, and we -1 from losing a booster and a 10k shield, then we gain +1 from draw. the SB1 cost usually counted as a -0.5 or even a free cost since we barely use soul.
To be honest, it is not a draw but a card cycling that actually give you a plus.
These two G0's was a good choice, but unfortunately Hahiki was a costed draw 1 and we lose a booster and Nono better to be used as a shield. making Little Witch, Lulu still the better starter out there.
Isn't he looked like Guntank? |
you minus 1 card from hand to deck to unflip a card and SC1?
come on, you won't need those SC since you not running Genesis. not teven unflipping make it a good reasoning to use him since there's some 'Putting back a card to unflip then i can use Kuroikazuchi's skill to draw again.' argument out there and whoever make this argument should feel really bad at himself.
Heck, the only good G1 addition on OTT's release was the Neo PG, Stride Fodder, and LB enabler.
Under my umbrella. ella. ella. e. e. e. |
another perfect example of how Bushiroad's R&D Team started to balancing out the cost ratio as effective as possible with all those support we've got on Generation Stride's releases.
-1 for a cycle mitigated by another stage which means he is a wash for the skill and gain you a +2 since it need 2 card for guard him at proper stages.
But can he cycle consistent enough? I mean, is there any good cycling target?
We never want to cycle our PG back, we also need to avoid to cycle our Stride Fodder back, assuming we already set up our booster, it left us with 4 card left.
Avoid cycling your G2 since they're our main attackers and interceptors, at late game they became a valuable things, and we have 7 excess G3 assuming we ride our preferable ride.
all that left us with 11 card which is pretty consistant.
BUT, there's a monster on Oracle Think Tank that induces more damage. yes, it is Silent Tom that overshadowing Beam Cannon.
Supreme Sky Battle Deity, Susanoo let us checking the top 2 card and draw 1 from it when stridden over, and at GB2 she get an extra stage and critical when you have 4 or more card.
Do notice that when you at GB2 and the card in your hand was only 2 and she attack. she'll get the extra stage and critical since the skill noted with CONT and 'During your turn' wording.
Battle Sister, Mille Feuille is our fail condition that let us pay CB1 SB1 when riding her and CB2 to check top 2 when on GB1 territory.
Soaring Asupicious Beast, Qilin and Sword Deity of Divine Sound, Takemikazuchi filled our G-Unit spots with the same usage.To draw.
Again, Bushiroad designing OTT to be more resource-wise and more efficient, Takemikazuchi's G-Persona also cost CB2 to check top 4 and draw 2 cards at once.
While appealing, his skill gonna be used only once since it is basically draw 3 with CB3 when you stride over him over Susanoo.
Qilin bring more pressure while after first use he'll rarely hits.
The whole releases have a single mindset which is to draw and to tank for outlasting your opponent as long as possible.
Drawing 5 cards from 5 CB given is not enough?
Some other deck use resources like Soul to draw, namely GB with Sea-Strolling Banshee.
But soul count limited to 3 and Banshee will only draw 3 extra cards. but the whole decks able to tank and outlasting your opponent pretty hard. Check V-Mundi's Granblue Deep Clan Analysis here
So, yes. drawing 5 more card could help you win games.