Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Nova Grappler - Clan Analysis

Nova Grappler, a clan from Star Gate full of Mecha, Workeroid, and many other things from an event called 'Nova Grapple' a no-holds-barred tournament that was Star Gate's main attraction.
A clan full of mechanized muscle battling each other.

Nova Grappler full of offensive minded unit that gaining advantage by standing a unit to extend their attack wave.

Extreme Battler, Rumble act out as our Forerunner, his skill is identical to Beast Deity, Riot Horn since his skill is standing himself when a unit in the same column as him is being re-stand by a unit effect. Rumble make a good pair with our attacker selection, be it Sazanda, Ganzock, or any of our G3s.

Energy Girl is our Stand Trigger, her skill was similar to Thrilled Worker that active after a boost she make, she can stand a Rearguards and she go back to the deck.
While her skill is quite good with Sazanda, Ganzock, and Rumble. The clan easily re-stand their Rearguards, making running Stand Triggers not that amazing since Critical put more pressure.

Final Wrench is a staple, his skill allow him to give a unit in the same column as himself +4k power when that unit is being re-stand by a unit effect.
This making Ganzock able to hit 21k alone when being re-stand by either Viktor or any re-stander you had.

Extreme Battler, Sazanda is one of the most hated cards for every players played against the clan.
His skill transform a Stand Triggers to be a 10k boost, since whenever Sazanda is being re-stand by a unit effect he gain +5k power until end of that turn.
You can easily stack Viktor, White Hank, Vikt Ten, Energy Girl, or anything that re-stand a Rearguard with him.

White Hank provide you with more consistent re-standing over a Stand Trigger.
By paying CB1 when he attack, you could choose a unit and stand it thus giving +5k power to that unit. Making any other G2 you have forming a 21k minimum powered column with either Rumble or Final Wrench.

Starlight Hedgehog give me some disappointment.
His skill is an on-call and give a unit a skill that let you draw 1 card and flip up 1 Counter Blast when the unit is being re-stood by a card effects. No, it is not stack-able.
The problem with Starlight Hedgehog is that he's on-call only, not stack-able, and poor 8k base.

Super Extreme Battler, Viktor is our main G3 unit with amazing skill.
His GB2 let us re-stand a Rearguard and give both the re-stand unit and Viktor himself a +5k boost.
This is nice, making the usual CB1 for re-standing your main attackers became free. Coupled up with White Hank, you can re-stand your main attackers twice and forming a formidable 5 attack with 2 crazy ass powered Rearguard.
His Breakstride is to give your Vanguard a skill that re-stand a Rearguards and give it +5k power for a CB1 for a turn. Yes, once per turn only.

Bushiroad make a good move making Viktor Breakstride skill once per turn only. This is all thanks to Meteorkaiser, Viktplasma is the first re-standing G-Unit.
If Viktor skill is spammable, Viktplasma able to re-stood your main attacking column one more time. making a crazy 7 powerful attacks for total of CB4.

Bushiroad also give Raizers more support.
Katanaraizer is the G1 that putting more pressure to the pressure-filled Raizer.
During your turn, every Raizer in the same column as Katanaraizer gain Magician Girl, Kirara skill.
Yes, your Mega Flare can pay CB4 to draw 2 cards when his attack hit.

The other support was Masuraoraizer.
He is reversed Riot Horn, re-standing a unit in the same column as him when he's being re-stood by a unit effects.
Masuraoraizer bring more pressure to the opponent since letting Mega Flare hit meaning a 2 Critical, and possible 2 full powered Rearguard attacks. Not hit? Cat Butler to the rescue!

Also, Nova Grappler get their LB Enablers in form of Beast Deity, Frog Master.
Making that delicious Mid-Game Galaxy Blaukluger a reality.

Deck Zone
1. Supreme Extreme Battler, Viktor
2. Immortal Asura Kaiser
3. Ultimate Raizer, Mega-flare