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Thursday, February 5, 2015
Chrono Jet Dragon - Deck Recipe
SVG: Gunner Gear Dracokid
8 Critical
4 Throbbing Worker (Critical)
4 Heal
3 Apex Standing Gearwolf
4 Steam Breath Dragon
3 Steam Fighter, Mesuhede
4 Steam Maide, Alulim
4 Steam Fighter, Amber
4 Steam Maiden, Ishin
3 Twin Maser Dragon
4 Chrono Jet Dragon
4 Fatewheel Dragon
1 Interdimensional Dragon, Chronos Command Dragon
2 Interdimensional Dragon, Lost Age Dragon
4 Interdimensional Dragon, Ragnaclock Dragon
1 Snow Element, Blizza
- Gunner Gear Dracokid bring more G3 for Stride cost.
- 12 Critical since our Stand doesn't really do much and the Throbbing Worker skill is quite nice.
- Gearwolf to exploit Chrono Jet's Break-Stride and Amber
- Steam Breath searches for Chrono Jet, and Stride Fodder
- Alulim because able to flipping up used CB in a Heavy-CB reliant deck is good.
- Mesuhede gives you more usage for Chrono Jet, and having good synergy with Ishin and Amber.
- Amber for chipping away your opponent field presence and activating Gearwolf, Ishin, and Mesuhede
- Ishin replace Puzur Ili since she's reusable and had good synergy with Chrono Jet, Amber, and Mesuhede
- Chrono Jet as our main ride. Activating lot of skills with Breakstride and push for the game with GB2
- Fatewheel Dragon as a fail condition, on-ride skill allow him to chip away a rear-guards and GB1 skill to limiting guard options
- Chronos Command able to field-wipe, he is almost guaranteed to be PG'ed since no one want to lost his entire field.
- Lost Age bring more pressure in form of on-hit and chipping away a Rear-guards.
- Ragnaclock Dragon because able to limiting guard and extra critical. Guaranteed to be PGed too.
- Blizza for instant GB2
Side Deck:
- 3 Steam Fighter, Dizal
- 1 Interdimensional Dragon, Fate Rider Dragon
Dizcal replace your Gearwolf giving more early rushes and more attackers options.
Fate Rider replace your 1 Lost Age to possibly push for the game as last or 6th Stride. Giving the whole field +3k.
The deck now being a bit more technical since you need to maintain your resources, especially the soul. But, the deck give more synergy from each part since activating 1 skill could trigger lot of other skill.
Addition of Mesuhede and Ishin gives more space for more skill and more longevity.
Check out the whole deck testing result here.
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