Sunday, February 15, 2015

Neo Nectar - Clan Analysis

No, I don't play NN due to Emi Nitta.
Neo Nectar in a nutshell was the farmers of Cray. Came from the colorful Zoo Nation, Neo Nectar had beautiful combination of flowers, people, plants, and forest dragons. The best of them all? Absolutely Maiden of Venus Trap "Reverse" due to glasses.
They are the biggest producer and distributor of crops and foods throughout Planet Cray.

The clan focused on maintaining field consistency, pressuring with on-hit skills, and giving power boosts to units that sharing same name.
Now, Neo Nectar got some huge support and they're pretty good.

Neo Nectar have been my main deck since BT08 with my Maiden of Trailing Rose deck which got some upgrade at BT14. Personally, I don't really like Musketeers due to not liking the arts (I still had the decks though).
Too. Much. Loli.
For starter, we had 2 choices. Spring Waiting Maiden, Oz & Maiden of Sprouts, Ho.
Both had different purposes with the same cost of CB1 and put the unit to soul
Oz swap herself for a unit from deck with the same name as a pre-chosen unit, this skill make her a normal wash for a starter.
Ho swap herself for more power, she give +5k power to up to 4 unit with share the same name with pre-chosen unit. This skill actually give you a possible +3! Well, you usually only +1 from her skill though. In the end, it's up to you to give your deck more consistency or more extra burst of power.

Gloomy archer and cheerful Tokoha Anjou.
Maiden of Daybreak and Maiden of Canna sharing similar skill with Maiden of Sprouts, Ho.
Both unit trade themselves for extra power to your Rearguards.
While Canna is a total copy of Ho, Daybreak had another interesting skill.
Daybreak skill was on-call only that let us return her to the deck and give 2 unit with the same name +5k power. It is similar to Kagero's Lizard Soldier, Beira skill that trading himself for total +10k power. But Daybreak had the better side due to costless and she divide the power and give more pressure in your field over Beira's 1 unit burst. Remember, Kagero's only free retire came from Sadegh and he need a unit to be retired first to trigger his skill. 
In the end, Daybreak  still a wash, but a high quality wash since she gives you instant result while mitigating our minus for losing a 10k shield.

Yes, your 6k base was sad.
So far, we had 3 unit that gain advantage of unit that sharing same name.
To maximize that potential, Melancholy Warrior, Onion's skill making minimum of 2 similar unit with same name as easy as cake.
At the beginning of your Main Phase, in GB1 territory you can call 1 Melancholy Warrior, Onion for free!
Simple. also mitigating the minus you had for Stride cost, and making it a clean +3 from triple check!
The drawback was his terrible 6k power. This means you need a 10k vanilla to cover him at early game. I was hoping that this unit had resist though.
I'm unsure whether they are girls or guys..
Trifle Knights, Marehope & Maredream (will be mentioned as Trifle Knights) had reminiscent of the old Maiden of Cherry Blossom & Cherry Stone (will be mentioned as Cherry Sisters) of calling each other. The difference lies in GB1 restricted and Trifle Knights doesn't need to hit anything.
The G1 swap himself for the G2 for free any time at the main phase, while the G2 swap himself for 2 of the G1 for another CB1 and SB1 cost at the end of turn.
Both cards act as second copy of the other grade for field consistency purposes, this make your setup is way easier and more consistent than the Cherry Sisters.
When life give you Lemon, eat Watermelon instead.

Suppa Suppa and Barrage Warrior, Watermelon sharing similar concept of gaining power when there's another unit with the same name at your Rear Circle.
A field full of them give you excellent 21k power column with no need of GB1.
But, their problem is their own restriction. The clan need to be able to copy a unit soon enough to make them a viable option of early gambit. Unfortunately, the whole cloning process happened at mid - late game.
During that time of the game, you already developed your field more consistent by using Trifle Brothers series.
an emo girl waiting for her love to come true, and a tsundere girl that would kill you if you reject her.
Maiden of Flower Screen was so good it made me almost cry.
Her skill was copying THE NAME of your other unit, with returning a normal unit as a cost.
How is it good? The whole clan had "Same Name as Chosen Unit" clause all over their main card now. Flower Screen trigger your Suppa Suppa & Watermelon power gain, she trigger more usage of Ho & Canna, she even help you return your precious unit back to deck for more PG or more Trifle Brothers combo.
She triggering so much skill it made me almost cry when her skill revealed.
For you guys that want to run her in Japanese format, you need to buy a special CD of the anime OST track and the English format only need to participate in your local shop tournament that give you a coupon that could be exchanged for either Snow Element, Blizza & Maiden of Flower Screen at Bushiroad Spring Festival. (or so I thought)

Maiden of Lost Memory started with a huge jump of CB2 cost.
That huge CB2 cost give you something interesting to offer, when her attack hit you may pay the cost and you able to draw 1 + unflip 1 CB for every unit with Maiden of Lost Memory name.
This skill resembles Bermuda Triangle's Duo Petite Etoile, Peace draw and unflip.
Due to her wording, you actually draw 2 card for free when her attack hit if you had another Maiden of Lost Memory named unit. Her drawback was her poor 8k power base that left us boosting her with either a vanilla or by having 2 Suppa Suppa at play. NO. Putting Fruit Basket Elf for her and make it sure draw is a horrible play. You trade a possible damage for a draw, remember that the game was decided by whoever deal damage faster, not whoever draw more card. Lost Memory + Fruit Basket Elf is not a good choice competitively, but a great fun and casual play from looking your opponent couldn't do anything but letting you draw 4 card for free each turn.

Scythe wielding, flower dressed assassin and a Newtype.
Maiden of Frilldrod skill as a backup G3 is slightly different. She doesn't have any on-ride skill, but she had pressure built into her. At GB1 territory, when her attack hit a Vanguard, you could pay measly CB1 for copy a unit not named Maiden of Frilldrod. Since her skill happened at battle phase, you could gain a +1 from calling a 12k beater to force another card at your opponent. Worst case, she's a wash that help you fill your perfect field.

Maiden of Ranunculus, Ayesha came out as our main ride, having decent GB2 skill like other G-TD bosses had and amazing Breakstride skill that trigger more skill for your units.
At GB2, all of your unit get +5k power if there's another unit that share same name as the unit gained skill. This skill let you have 26k powered rearguard if you had a perfect field or coupled booster with Maiden of Flower Screen at your field. This skill had similar effect as Blue Sky Knight, Altomile skill. in which both of them gain power. Altomile had the easier set-up due to only needing front rows to abuse it, Ayesha trade the set-up for more power.
Her Breakstride let you copy a unit for CB1 and give that unit +2k, this mean you need to call a unit beforehand. While need a set-up, this skill trigger a lot of skill from Suppa Suppa, Canna, Daybreak, and Ho. Trifle Brothers able to use this skill to fill more of your field with their own skill, guaranteeing you an almost perfect field.
Many of people said that Altomile's Breakstride is somewhat better due to calling from hand and gain more power from it. He even able to not calling and only give 2 unit an extra stage of +5k power, which is an actual plus from any perspective. I won't say it is wrong since so far Altomile, and Viktor is the only Breakstride unit that give you easy plusses while the other Breakstride was more of a wash since the relative advantage calculation gives them a +0 with CB1 costs.

Seems like Corolla Dragon finally evolved
Sacred Tree Dragon, Jingle Flower Dragon is another beast Bushi gave us. He is another Persona Stride unit that had really nice skill.
When you pay the cost of Persona flipping, if you had 2 or more face up G-unit at G-Zone, you may choose a unit, and that unit gain skill of giving +2k multiplied with number of unit that had same name as chosen unit for all unit. Lolwut?
I'll try to explain it again in English, assuming you had 2 Maiden of Flower Screen at front row and 3 Trifle Knight, Maredream at the back row, and you choose your Maredream for the skill. Every unit gain +6k since there's 3 Maredream. Then, you use Flower Screen skill and renaming her to Trifle Knight, Maredream. Now you have 5 Trifle Knight, Maredream and all of your unit gain +10k instead of 6k since the skill given was CONT and can be added if there's a change in the multiplication number.

Now, the long-awaited Flower Princess of Spring Beginnig, Primavera.
First of all, I hate BushiRoad for making her less awesome than her skills.
Second, I hate the new name. Flower Princess of Vernal Equinox, Primavera sound more menacing and threatening and better.
Third, She's actually pretty good after I tested them over analyze them.
Her skill cost pretty heavy. When she attack a VG, pay total of CB3 then you put back 5 normal units from dropzone to deck, and then discard 1. After all those hassles, you choose 2 rearguards and you call up to 2 unit with same name as those unit. That's it.
She's designed to give you momentum of the game. Used for finishing things up with total of 5 full attacks or chase the gap of your opponent huge leads

Beside the whole Stride support, the clan also receive a support for Musketeer in form of an LB enabler. This give you mid-game RG onslaught with Arboros Dragon, Sephirot or Mid-game critical with Holly Musketeer, Elvira

Decklist Section