The clan's member is filled with muscle *cough-Brawlers-cough* , since they trade their defense for offense.
The clan had similar gimmick like Kagero, the difference lies in the purpose of controlling.
Kagero doing it for defensive control, retiring unit that could pose problems and piling advantage from that. Narukami, in other hand choosing the muscle way for finishing things up. Hitting many unit at once, giving powers to rearguards, gaining extra critical. Name anything pressure based and Narukami almost had everything.
Before we go to the main attraction, lets back to a few sets before and take a look what G-BT02 give them. Eradicator Support!
It's okay, Immortal Eradicator, Shup save the day. He isn't that immortal since his immortality only affect the skill of your own unit, but choosing him save you from Koenshaku.
Other skill Shup had in his sleeve is he could SB1 when he attack a VG and he gain +1 for every empty Rear Circle each fighter had. With Koenshaku he's already a 10k attackers, with Eradicator, Tempest Bolt Dragon skill he's a 17k attacker.
The real star was Assault Eradicator, Saikei and Ionization Eradicator, Kapunis.
What make them ridiculous is Saikei eat the soul as his cost for unflip. Saikei is the Eradicator version of Perdition Battler, Mareiko. A front row is retired, SB1 unflip 1.
Kapunis is the best Koenshaku target.
When you choose him as the target, you can check top 3 of your deck and put 1 to your hand.
The other amazing thing is, after that Kapunis go back to the deck!
Returning critical trigger? Why he doesn't have that "You can have 16 of Ionization Eradicator, Kapunis in your deck" clause...
Moving to the main support.
Harbringer Dracokid skill is he gain +3k when there's a card put to Bind Zone from the skill of your cards. Not so great, but since it said "When there's a card" instead of "your opponent unit" he actually work with Dungaree. Which is sad.
Dragon Dancer, Vianney skill resemble Kapunis. She triggered when there's an opponent unit put into drop zone from your card skill, then you put her to the top deck, shuffle your deck and draw 1 card then unflip 1 Counterblast.
This is pretty good, you essentially had a free +1 over usual wash of 1-for-1 since the retire cost around CB1. swapping your 10k shield for another card, unflip 1 CB, and getting a +1 from retiring a unit.
Voltage Horn Dragon appreciate Vianney.
He is our usual GB1 CB1 when boosted and attacking VG use the clan gimmick. This time, it is permanent retire since you choose the retired unit and move it to Bind Zone.
Making it unusable for Legion, and screwing over Granblue.
Demonic Berserk, Chatura is another offensive unit, he can't attack Rear Guards and he gain +3k and able to pay CB1 for drawing 1 card, and bind 1 card in opponent drop zone. the bonus is he isn't restricted by Legion nor GB1. Making him an early asset and pressure.
Dragonic Kaiser Crimson is one of the most hyped unit from G-BT02.
He is part of Legion Revival campaign, his mate is the notorious Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion. No, you can't use "The Blood" with Crimson.
Crimson skill is making Vermillion's LB4 skill costless at LB4. This restriction making you stuck with vanilla Legion until LB4.
His second skill is to pay a Soul Blast 1 and he gain +2k, filling the drop when you go first.
Dragonic Kaiser Crimson deck plays similarly with their pure Legion brethen, Brawler, Big Bang Knuckle Buster. The problem was Brawlers had better fail condition over Dragonic Kaiser Crimson.
Dragonic Vanquisher is another unit that give me mixed feelings, his GB2 skil is identical to Eradicator, Gauntlet Buster Dragon. Giving Vanquisher +3k power and +1 Critical when there's an opponent Rearguards put into drop zone. GBD skill is bad, but was helped with LB Enabler while Vanquisher need GB2, the only way to achieve it is using Snow Element, Blizza and that route still need 1 extra turn compared with GBD & LB Enabler combo.
His Breakstride skill is a permanent retire since the retired unit is put to Bind Zone.
This skill work brilliantly with the G-Persona Blast unit, Supreme Conquering Dragon, Conquest Dragon.
Supreme Conquering Dragon, Conquest Dragon skill is retiring a front row, and giving all front row unit +5k for every empty front row your opponent have.
With Vanquisher, it became CB1 Retire 2 and give every front row +10k!!
The synergy between these 2 unit is amazing, the problem with G-BT02 Narukami is they don't give the vibe to be really competitive.
Let's wait for the testing result for how does the clan performing.
Deck Section
1. Dragonic Vanquisher