SVG: Extreme Battler, Rumble
12 Critical
4 Heal
2 Aura Bowler
4 Extreme Battler, Arasheed
4 Final Wrench
4 Lady Cyclone
3 Extreme Battler, Ganzock
4 Extreme Battler, Sazanda
4 White Hank
4 Supreme Extreme Battler, Viktor
4 Muscle Shriek
4 Meteorkaiser, Vikt Ten
4 Meteorkaiser, Vikt Plasma
- Rumble is unrestricted Riot Horn
- 12 Critical because best trigger lineup
- Aura Bowler because 10 beater
- Arasheed is VIktor searcher and Stride Fodder
- Final Wrench enable Ganzock to reach 21k when being standed
- Lady Cyclone to flipping up used CB and main defensive unit
- Ganzock form nicely done column with Final Wrench and cover for Rumble
- Sazanda exploiting standing effect Viktor, and White Hank give to gain another 5k
- White Hank for constant standing Ganzock or Sazanda
- Viktor as main ride gives us ability to stand a rearguard when stridden over and gain 5k and standing other rearguards at GB2 territory.
- Muscle Shriek GB1 triggering Sazanda, Rumble, and Final Wrench active and give the unit being standed 2k
- Vikt Ten pressuring opponent and must be guarded if doesn't want to be punished by Sazanda or Ganzock
- Vikt Plasma able to finish the game since he able to restand himself, he is Stern Blaukluger's G-Unit version
Side Deck:
12 Stand Trigger
2 Claydoll Mechanic
1 Extreme Battler, Ganzock
Swap the critical trigger with stand since stand trigger also triggering Sazanda, Rumble, and Final Wrench skill
Swap Aura Bowler with Claydoll Mechanic if you feel need more CB.
Swap 1 White Hank with Ganzock for more offensive power over consistency. it doesn't really different though.
This deck standing your rearguards as soon as GB1 reach and had the possibility of killing your opponent at Turn 4.
If they survive that dreadful Ganzock and Sazanda multiple attack, Stride with Vikt Plasma next turn and apply another pressure.
Check the whole testing result here.