Thursday, February 5, 2015

Dragonic Blademaster - Deck Recipe

SVG: Dragon Knight, Sadegh
12 Critical
4 Heal
3 Dragon Monk, Gyokuryu
4 Lava Flow Dragon
4 Protect Orb Dragon
3 Wyvern Strike, Kieran
3 Dragon Knight, Danner
2 Dragon Knight, Javad
4 Twilight Arrow Dragon
2 Wyvern Strike, Doha
4 Dragonic Blademaster
4 Dauntless Dominate Dragon Reverse
4 Divine Dragon Knight, Mahmoud
4 Imperial Flame Dragon King, Route Flare Dragon

- Sadegh used for extending retire
- 12 Critical because best trigger lineup
- Gyokuryu exploiting our mass-retire for huge number
- Lava Flow Dragon searched out Blademaster, and act as our Stride Fodder
- Protect Orb Dragon used as our damage flipper and main defensive unit
- Wyvern Strike, Kieran for covering Danner
- Danner exploiting our mass-retire for huge number
- Dragon Knight, Javad for covering Gyokuryu and able to hit alone
- Twilight Arrow Dragon for cheap retire and triggering Gyokuryu and Danner
- Wyvern Strike, Doha for covering Gyokuryu earlier than Javad
- Blademaster as our secondary retire when striding, his GB2 skill kinda bland though.
- Dauntless Dominate Dragon help your Gyokuryu and Danner and had midgame via Stride.
- Mahmoud pressuring opponent with on-hit reitre
- Route Flare retire whole column for mass retire

Side Deck:
1 Dragon MOnk, Gyokuryu
2 Flame of Strength, Aetniki
3 Hulk Roar Dragon
4 Dragonic Overlord The End

Swap 3 Kieran with Gyokuryu and Aetniki and 3 Danner with Hulk Roar Dragon, this bring out more retire consistency since Hulk Roar is an extender. Gyokuryu performed better than Danner because Gyokuryu is untouched by Narukami and attackers.
Dragonic Overlord The End is the best fail condition Kagero had, but he doesn't really compatible with Stride since it limit us to use Blademaster and Lava Flow as our Stride Fodder

The Deck aiming to spam Gyokuryu and Danner as much as possible, do note that if you feel like you could fieldnuke and kill your opponent in an instant, DO IT. But if not, cripple them with constant 21k powered RG each turn from Twilight Arrow retire.
Controlling your opponent and gaining advantage from them getting controlled is the way this deck play.

Check the whole testing result here.