So, this one supposed to be published back at January.
Many things happened at the end of the month and this one got delayed.
And during that short break, I looked back at my testing log and i find something amazing.
- Gear Chronicle Clan Analysis:
Updated with VG-G-BT01 analysis and 1 new deck utilizing Chrono Jet Dragon.
The deck had weird result, achieving total 47.6% win-rate against other 5 decks.
As new clan, I was expecting lesser result since lacking support, but Gear Chronicle had amazing support that able to pull themselves.
Chrono Jet Dragon deck was designed to slowly torture your opponent, controlling them at early - mid game and finishing your opponent at late game with limiting their guard.
While good, the real problem was lack of early game just like other deck suffers.
- Kagero Clan Analysis:
Updated with VG-G-BT01 analysis and 2 new deck utilizing Dragonic Blademaster and Dragonic Overlord "The X"
Dragonic Blademaster bring something new to the clan, total control for a perfect 1-for-1 CB ratio, easier field nuke over infamous Sweep-Shaper and of course, Nouvelle Vague.
But Blademaster lack real pressure and threat on himself since it is better to spam Gyokuryu and Danner over relying on his GB2 skill.
Dragonic Overlord "The X" bring some crazy shit on the game with huge pressure of restanding or double retire for cheap cost and the whole deck eliminate anything the opponent tried to do.
Able to force your opponent to bad decision and controlling them.
While good, the deck is unexpectedly boring for me. Swing 22k to vg midgame, re-stand, then retire 2. repeat.
- Nova Grappler Clan Analysis:
Updated with VG-G-BT01 analysis and 1 new deck utilizing Supreme Extreme Battler, Viktor
Supreme Extreme Battler, Viktor was a total beast.
Performing Four-Turn-Kill 122 times from 500 match is no easy feat.
Sazanda - Rumble and Ganzock - Final Wrench was total beast.
Your opponent survived that crazy gambit? Vikt Plasma sweep the floor for you.
Super consistent, super fast, super aggressive.
- Oracle Think Tank Clan Analysis:
Updated with VG-G-BT01 analysis and 1 new deck utilizing Supreme Sky Battle Deity, Susanoo
The deck bring nightmares to other deck in majority for this set.
Susanoo able to carry the whole deck on himself and proceed to tank out and outlasting their opponent.
With the set divided by 3 Control deck, 2 RG-dependent deck and 1 tanking deck. Susanoo able to shut down anything Blademaster, Chrono Jet, and "The X" tried to pull, or at least keeping the damage to minimum.
- Royal Paladin Clan Analysis:
Updated with VG-G-BT01 analysis and 1 new deck utilizing Knight of Blue Heavens, Altomile
I am impressed with this one.
At first, I was thinking that Royal Paladin going to be at the bottom.
BUT, Royal's access to Gangaren and Knight of Shield Bash gave them early game rushes that other deck in this list lacking of.
Most of Royal's game happened at early - mid game with calling any Gangaren and Shield Bash at turn 1 and covering them with any G2 attacker soon. and striding with early Saint Blow for huge VG number and early Altomile GB2. This gambit gonna changed at VG-G-BT02 with Snow Element Blizza of course.
Tier Update
Before we started, I tested every deck on the set against each other to find out who had the highest win-rate and making them the Top 3 deck of this site.
Top 3
1. Supreme Extreme Battler, Viktor 53.2%
2. Dragonic Overlord "The X" 51.8%
3. Knight of Blue Heavens, Altomile 50%
1. Supreme Sky Battle Deity, Susanoo 49.4%
2. Dragonic Blademaster 48.4%
3. Chrono Jet Dragon 47.8%
yes. I know.
Altomile reaching those number due to early rushes that other deck doesn't had.
Altomile also able to achieve FTK 98 times out of 500 games. not so dependable but not that shabby either.
The whole Top 3 deck was total beast, achieving something other deck doesn't have at the moment.
Viktor killing their opponent with multiple attack that getting stronger and stronger after each attack, "The X" putting heavy pressure start from riding G3 and no matter what G3 you ride it could win you the game, Altomile rushes their opponent starting from T1 and able to attack properly unboosted, reaching consistent 21k power columns starting from T5 and beating the shit out of your opponent.
9-2-2015: Blademaster got slightly new list introducing DDDR as backup VG and helped the deck gained extra 0.6% lead over Chrono Jet Dragon
P.S: Credit to Raphelancia for his work at making these clan logos.